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Access Bars

Access Bars is a gentle technique of touching 32 points on the head. After 15 minutes of this therapy, the brain reaches theta state, the state of deep relaxation that activates self-healing of the body and opens a space of awareness in our lives.

The electrical charge in the brain is dispersed, which causes a release of all the energies trapped in the brain and the body.

The bars contain all the limitations, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, judgments and considerations you have stored in any lifetime. All of that is now limiting you and preventing you from choosing consciously and creating your life. Bars therapies dissolve the main blockages in all areas of life and body.

Every Bars therapy can release from 5 to 10 thousand years of limitations in an area of life, related to the point that is being touched. There are points (bars) for healing, joy, body, sexuality, money, communication, time and space, etc.

What if your life could become light, expansive and full of joy?

Access Bars® have helped thousands of people change many aspects of their bodies and their lives, including sleep, health, weight, money, sexuality, relationships, neuroses, addictions, intrusive thoughts, depressions, stress and much more.

What if your life could turn into pleasure?

The Bars therapies facilitate awareness, which can change anything in your body and your life. Different kinds of pains all over the body have disappeared after the Bars therapy.

These points may seem similar to acupuncture or other techniques, but as a part of Access Bars they serve a completely different function. No other method has generated the kind of changes that Access Bars have.

The Bars therapies enable big changes in life to occur with total ease. Every Bars therapy is different. At worst you will feel like you have just had the best massage of your life. At best your whole life will change into something greater.

Are you ready to explore unlimited possibilities?

A list of changes and people have experienced as a consequence of using Access Bars:

  • greater ease with their body
  • health
  • no more stress
  • reduction of physical pains
  • end of mental disorders, intrusive thoughts and panic attacks
  • no more headaches
  • better sleep
  • no more weight issues
  • freedom
  • more clarity
  • more money
  • more awareness
  • better relationships
  • more joy and laughter
  • more travel
  • business successes
  • more sex
  • partnership that works
  • getting more of themselves
  • orgasmic life and being
  • overall lightness of being

What contribution can Access Bars be to your life?

Is now the time for ease and lightness?


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