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Frequently Asked Questions about Access Bars

What happens during a Bars therapy?

The Bars contain all the limitations, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, judgments and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime and are now preventing you from living a totally new life and choose consciously for yourself. The therapy deletes all the useless "files" related to money, healing, peace, body, creativity, control, form, structure, joy, sadness, awareness ... that are stored in your brain and prevent you from seeing more possibilities in your life.

Similar to when the lights go out in your house and you flip the circuit breaker or trip switch so the lights come on again, a Bars therapy allows your lights to come on. The energy of the universe becomes available to you and this often results in more peace, ease, joy and abundance in your life.

Several doctors who are experts in biofeedback have reported changes in brain waves after Bars therapy. Beta waves changed to more relaxed theta waves in the course of a one hour session. Access has known for years that the Bars change the electrical function of the brain.

What can you expect after receiving the Bars?

Every Bars session is different. The worst that can happen after a Bars session is you feel as relaxed as if you had received a great massage. The best that can happen is your whole life can change.

Among the most commonly reported effects are: an increased sense of peace and ease, being less reactive to situations which might have upset you in the past, more restful and deep sleep, feeling that whatever was upsetting before the session doesn’t matter any more.

How long does the effect of a Bars session last?

Once you have your Bars done, the Bars continue to release stuck energy forever. Every time you have it done after that, the effect becomes more dynamic. The most dramatic effects tend to be noticed within 3-4 weeks of the session.

How often should you have your Bars done?

This is entirely up to you. How good would you like to feel? How easy would you like your life to be?

Some Bars facilitators wonder why we don’t all do it every day! Most people like to have their Bars run at least once a week, or whenever they feel stressed, cranky, or out of sorts with how their lives are going. A Bars therapy offers an immediate solution.

Who can benefit from having their Bars done?

Everyone who is willing to lie still for the therapy.

Some people may not value the experience of relaxation and consider it a total waste of time. Other people who have an interest in changing and improving their lives may be keener. We recommend concentrating your efforts on the latter, the people who desire change.

Can children and babies have their Bars done?

As demonstrated in the photos above, they obviously can. Please, run Bars on children.

Children and babies benefit phenomenally from having their Bars run. They are more like animals than adults, which means they are often more willing to have rapid change in their bodies as well as in their being.

It is good to know that we need less time to run children's Bars. Often they can tell you when each bar is done for that session and when to move on.

Can children learn to run Bars?

Absolutely! Because children have fewer limiting beliefs about what is and what is not possible, they can run the Bars with much greater effects and less limitations. Children may be in small bodies, but they are often willing to be larger and more potent than the adults around them.

Who can do Bars on other people?

Anyone can learn to do the Bars. No previous experience or training in health care, anatomy or massage is required. All it takes is a willingness to learn and attending a one-day Access Bars class.

Where can you learn to do the Bars?

Bars classes are taught by over 2000 Bars facilitators worldwide, in more than 171 different countries.

I teach an Access Bars class once per month.

Where did the Bars come from?

This technique was originally channeled by Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, in 1990. The Bars did not exist on earth before that.

Can the elderly and ill benefit from having their Bars done?


Can Bars be done during pregnancy?


Women who have had their Bars done regularly during pregnancy have reported giving shorter and easier births. Many have avoided the unwanted side effects of pregnancy.

How long does an Access Bars therapy last?

Usually a Bars therapy lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. The time can vary, but it is always better to do Bars for just 20 minutes than to not do them at all.

What are the long-term effects of having your Bars done?

Most people who have experienced Bars regularly report that their lives continue getting better and easier.

Do you have to have the Bars done more than once?

It is all about choice. Access and the Bars are an individual choice.

You don’t have to do anything. People who experience the greatest benefit from Bars are those who have it done repeatedly. It’s your choice.

Do Bars affect mental and psychological problems?

Many people who have had this kind of problems have been able to experience amazing changes. Some of them were able to discontinue the use of medications. Of course we recommend you consult your doctor before discontinuing taking your medications.

How do the Bars work? Can the Bars harm anyone?

No. The Bars cannot be done wrong, and you cannot harm anyone by doing their Bars in any way.

Is there anyone who should not have their Bars done?

Only those who are unwilling or uninterested in trying the Bars. There are no other limitations.

How do you know what to expect from having your Bars done?

You don’t know. Every Bars therapy is different and there is no way to predict exactly what will happen. The most useful guideline is that in the worst case you will feel is like you had a great massage, and in the best case your whole life will change.

When should you have your Bars done?

Whenever you would like to feel great!

People who have been practicing the Bars for a while usually get them done regularly, with an extra session when they are feeling cranky or having a difficult day.

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