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February 2021: Online Foundation with Nadja

What if now is the time to express and choose everything you came here to be?

February 2021: Online Foundation with Nadja
Location: Online, Zoom
Price: 1.100,00 €

The Foundation is a 4-day intense class. It is designed to empower you to change anything and everything you’d like to change in your life.

With awareness you gain during this class you will be able to melt all the limitations and start creating your life better than your wildest dreams. 

You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to build a new foundation, one of limitless possibility so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.

What do you desire? What would you like to be different? Would you like more joy? More fun? More ease? Would you like to wake up in the morning with a sense of gratitude... happy to be on the planet?

Whatever it is for you, it is possible. Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness® that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class.

What will you learn in the Access Foundation Class?

  • How to create your life from the question and infinite possibilities

  • how to break free from your fears

  • use the energy flows for creating anything you desire

  • you will learn about entities and how to remove them from your body, other people's bodies, houses, cars, etc.

  • more than 50 different access tools

  • 10 keys to total freedom

  • recognise distracting implants and liberate yourself from them (fear, anger, jealousy…)

  • elements for creating relationship that works for you

  • more about your eternal soul and infinite being

  • 5 elements of intimacy

  • tools for creating financial abundance

  • 4 telesne procese (MTVSS, Demolekularna manifestacija in molekularna demanifestacija, Celični spomin, Biomimetrična mimikrija),

  • 4 body processes (MTVSS, Demolecular manifestation and molecular manifestation, Cellular memory, Biomimetric mimicry)

  • you will open to the awareness of your body

  • you will recognize your unconscious behavioural patterns and begin to change them

  • you will step out from your role as a victim

  • you will become the creator of your life

  • and so much more.

What if you can change anything in your life and your body?


Access Bars® workshop with any facilitator.


25th - 28th of February 2021


Every day from 8:30 - 16:30 CET (lunch break)


This class will be LIVE in India and at the same time also ONLINE via ZOOM.

So you can be part of it ONLINE from anywhere around the world!


Nadja Ogrinc CF, she is also a 3-day Body Class Facilitator


Global pricing and Age pricing applies.

Your price for this class depends on the country you are from.

900 EUR - 65% countires

1100 EUR - 80 % countries

1400 EUR - 100 % countries

Check your country pricing HERE.


The class will be in English and translated into all languages required. Please email us to if you require translation.

What else is possible?



Classe Fondation - ONLINE

La classe Fondation est un des séminaires le plus puissant qui soit.

C’est une entrée pour une vie nouvelle. Tu vas apprendre comment changer tous les domaines de ta vie qui ne marche pas pour toi avec totale aisance, et en même temps tu vas t’ouvrir à une nouvelle manière de créer ta vie.

Qu’est-ce qu’on voit dans une classe Fondation ?

  • Comment créer ta vie depuis la question et les possibilités infinies
  • Comment te libérer de tes peurs.
  • Utiliser les flux d’énergie pour créer tout ce que tu veux.
  • Tu vas apprendre de nouvelles choses à propos des entités et comment les retirer de ton corps, du corps des autres personnes, des voitures, maisons…
  • Tu vas découvrir plus de 50 outils différents d’Access Consciousness
  • 10 clés pour une liberté totale.
  • Reconnaître les implants distracteurs et t’en libérer (peurs, colère, jalousie…
  • Les éléments pour créer des relations qui marchent pour toi
  • Ton âme éternelle et ton être infini
  • Les 5 éléments de l’intimité
  • Les outils pour créer l’abondance financière
  • 4 processus corporels (MTVSS, manifestation démoléculaire et démanifestation moléculaire, mémoire cellulaire, mimétisme biomimétique et biomimétrique)
  • Tu vas t’ouvrir à la conscience de ton corps
  • Tu vas reconnaître tes comportements inconscients et commencer à les changer
  • Tu vas sortir de ton rôle de victime.
  •  Tu vas devenir le créateur de ta vie.
  • Et tellement plus !!



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