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Bratislava: 3-day Body Class

Bratislava: 3-day Body Class
Location: Bratislava
Price: 1.100,00 €

* * * SLOVENSKÝ * * *
(please scroll down for English)

Access 3-denný Body Class je pre vaše telo... Dáva vám možnosť lepšieho vzťahu s vaším telom.
Láskavosť k vašemu telu. Vďačnosť za vaše telo. Pýtať sa a načúvať vášmu telu.

Ľudia, ktorí absolvovali Access Body Class, hlásili veľké posuny a neuveriteľné zmeny s ich telami, ako napríklad zmenu veľkosti, tvaru tela, úľavu od chronických alebo akútnych bolestí a ochorení.

Access Body Class je navrhnutý tak, aby otvoril dialóg a vytvoril komunikáciu s vaším telom.

Toto spoločenstvo s vaším telom Vám umožňuje užívať si ho namiesto bojovania proti nemu a jeho zneužívaniu.

Máte talent alebo schopnosť pracovať s telami, ktorú ste ešte neodomkli?

Čo Vy viete?

Ste fyzioterapeut, body worker, masážny terapeut, chiropraktik, zdravotná sestra alebo lekár hľadajúci spôsob, ako zlepšiť liečenie, ktoré môžete svojim klientom uľahčiť?

Príďte sa s nami hrať.


Nadja Ogrinc CF


Access Bars®, The Foundation


21. – 23. May 2021

Miesto diania:

Bratislava (Adresa bude upresnená.)


Globálna cena a cena podľa veku sa uplatňuje.

1.100 EUR - 80% krajina


Kurz bude v angličtine s prekladom do slovenčiny.


* * * ENGLISH * * * 

The Access 3 Day Body Class is for your body... It gives you the possibility for a greater relationship with your body. A kindness with your body. More gratitude for your body.

To ask and listen to your body. People who have attended the Access Body Class have reported dramatic shifts and incredible changes with their body, from changes in size and shape, a relief from chronic and acute pain and dis-ease.

The Access Body Class is designed to open up an engaging dialogue and create a communion with your body.

This communion allows you to enjoy your body instead of fighting against it and abusing it.

When you change the way you relate to your body, you can change how you relate to everything in your life.

Do you have a talent or an ability to work with bodies that you haven't unlocked?

What do you know?

Are you a physical therapist, body worker, massage therapist, chiropractor, medical doctor or nurse looking for a way to enhance the healing you can facilitate for your clients?

Here is an invitation to come and play with us.


Nadja Ogrinc CF


Access Bars®, The Foundation


21st - 23rd of May 2021


Bratislava, the venue will be anounced soon


Global pricing and Age pricing applies.

Your price for this class depends on the country you are from.

900 EUR - 65% countires

1100 EUR - 80 % countries

1400 EUR - 100 % countries

Check your country pricing HERE.


The class will be in English and translated into Slovak language.

More info:


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