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Access Foundation with Nadja Ogrinc and Vladica Djordjevic, Ljubljana, Slovenia

What if now is the time to express and choose everything you came here to be?

Access Foundation with Nadja Ogrinc and Vladica Djordjevic, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Price: 1.100,00 €


The Foundation is a 4-day intense class. It is designed to empower you to change anything and everything you’d like to change in your life.

With awareness you gain during this class you will be able to melt all the limitations and start creating your life better than your wildest dreams.

For anything to be limiting you, you must be functioning from some form of anti-consciousness or unconsciousness.

Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing; it goes beyond the polarity of this reality where we are always looking to what is right or wrong, and into the allowance, gratitude, choice, possibility, contribution and question that is truly possible.

You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to build a new foundation, one of limitless possibility so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.

During this class we will also learn 4 hands-on body processes: MTVSS, Celular memory, Biomimetic mimicry and Demolecular manifestation.

These processes facilitate the body back into its original functions, which assist with the repairing and longevity of the body. The energies are the natural energies that bodies are and have access to from everywhere in the universe.

Would you like to wake up in the morning with a sense of gratitude... happy to be on the planet?

Whatever it is for you, it is possible.

Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness® that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class.

Everything can change. Anything is possible. The question is, will you choose it?

We are so happy to Facilitate this New Foudation together.

Come, play and explore the possibilities with us.

What if this world could be a conscious place?


Access Bars® workshop with any facilitator.


Thursday, 9th April -  Sunday 12th of April


Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tbilisijska 83a


Nadja Ogrinc & Vladica Djordjevic


Global pricing and Age pricing applies.


The class will be in English and translated into Hungarian and all other languages required. Please email us to if you require translation.

What else is possible?


Temeljni nivo Access Consciousness-a je „temelj kreiranja života“.

Za sve nas koji smo ikada tražili odgovore na pitanja KO SMO I KOJA JE NAŠA SVRHA ili KOJIM PUTEM DA KRENEMO, ovaj tečaj je pravi izbor.

On nam ne daje odgovore! Uči nas da živimo iz pitanja. Daje nam predstavu novog života, otvaranjem milion mogućnosti i kreacija.

Daje nam da pristupimo svom beskonačnom kapacitetu i da iz tog prostora kreiramo svoj život.

Ovaj tečaj poništava sva ona ograničenja u kojima smo naučili funkcionisati, ne znajući da imamo i druge izbore.

To je četvorodnevno intenzivno istraživanje svih novih mogućnosti za koje nismo ni znali da postoje! Temeljni tečaj otvara svest novih delova našeg uma, koje u svom životu još nismo koristili i daje nam mogućnost biranja nečeg potpuno drugačijeg od onoga što smo pre birali.

Gledajući na životne probleme iz potpuno drugačije perspektive, postaje lako promeniti bilo šta.

Ako vas nešto ograničava, morate delovati iz nekog oblika antisvesti ili nesvesti. Šta biste umesto toga voleli izabrati?

Na Temeljnom tečaju, počinjete uočavati gledišta koja vas ograničavaju i ono što možete promeniti, što bi vam dopustilo da delujete iz pitanja, izbora, mogućnosti i doprinosa.

Kad biste bilo šta mogli izabrati, šta bi to bilo? Šta ako biste mogli živeti život u kome više niste pod uticajem ove realnosti?

Ovaj tečaj nudi stotine alata, uključujući neke telesne procese polaganjem ruku koji vam dopuštaju da promenite ono što u vašem životu ne funkcioniše. Kao na primer: MTVSS, Stanicno Pamcenje, Biomimeticka mimikrija ,,,

Najveća moć je sposobnost menjanja bilo čega i svega, a to ćete ovim dobiti.

Trajanje: 4 dana

Preduslovi: Access The Bars

Vaš voditelji: Vladica Đorđević i Nadja Ogrinc

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