Can you imagine a world without people?
We are social beings and relationships are one of the ingredients for enjoying this life. Through relationships we grow and get to know ourselves.
I am writing to you from my oasis in the Canary Islands where my boyfriend Nejc and I are ina short vacation.
Early Monday morning when we arrived on the airport in Milan, there were almost no people there.
Everything was completely empty, we were the only ones in line for check-in, then we were alone in the coffee shop (luckily at least it was open) and we were almost alone on the plane - well, I actually wanted to have a private jet once ;)
However, this emptiness actually made me feel tightness in my heart. It made me think.....
What would a world be like if there were no people?
Can you imagine?
Well, for me this would not be cool at all. For me this is not the real world. Too empty and too boring for me.
This situation made me even more grateful for all the people and relationships in my life.
It made me also grateful for all those stupidities and insanities we are somethimes chosing to make our days more interesting?!
It became even more clear to me how everything is just one big game we play.
We are social beings and relationships are one of the ingredients for enjoying this life.
Through relationships we grow and get to know ourselves. And the missing key to all relationship problems is the lack of awareness.
So, we don't want a world without people, we want a world where people have more awareness to be able to create truly nurturing relationships full of care and kindness. And it all begins with you and your choices.❤️
One of the tool that can contribute to you with all the relationships and situations where you are stuck is a question:
''What do I love about this?''
Think about what is happening to you over and over again or where are you stuck in place and the situation does not change in any way.
Or think of all the ''dramas'' you repeatedly create in your relationships.
Ask yourself and be truly honest: ''What do I love about this?''
When you are constantly choosing the same outcome of something, even though you don't like it at first glance, there is definitely something in the background /subconscious that benefits you, but you don't want to admit it rationally.
If you are willing to be aware, then you can go beyond that and change your relationship, situation, and your reality forever.
So: ''What do I love about this?''
For example:
- What do I love about fighting? (Maybe that you get more attention from your partner after each fight?)
- What do I love about being late? (Maybe to prove yourself that you can make it.)
- What do I love about lack of money? (Maybe so that you can pretend you have no choice.)
Have fun with this question and find out what will come up.